Aquarian Wanderings

Transpersonal Planets
CHIRON (rules: no known rulership)
Chiron was only discovered in 1977, and is a renegade planet that was mysteriously drawn into our solar system at some unknown time. Consequently, this planet has no rulership that can be determined. There are many theories regarding which sign it should rule, I agree with Liz Greene in that it might not rule any.
Chiron’s myth involves a wound that cannot heal; hence the most common term used is ‘wounded healer’. It marks where life has unfairly wounded us. There is no logical explanation or deserving on our part in regards to this, therefore we can feel embittered, alone and victimized around it.
If we develop insight and compassion for ourselves through acceptance of this pain and vulnerability, we become more tolerant and compassionate towards others. The wound can never be healed, but it can be
understood and integrated into our essence in a way that enriches rather than cripples us.
Choice comes through acceptance. This planet is generally between the orbit of Saturn; the last of the visible more personalized planets, and Uranus; the first of the collective planets, (it does have a unique elliptical orbit) and acts as a bridge between the personal and the collective.
URANUS (rules: Aquarius)
Uranus was discovered in 1781, at a time when issues of freedom, equality, and brotherhood were being awakened in the collective consciousness. For the individual, Uranus represents where one will be tapped into this concept.
In the chart it shows where we strive for independence and originality, it is also where there is surprising sudden change, flashes of insight, sudden upheaval and unpredict-ability. It is about liberation from what is old, stagnant and outdated.
This planet can be ruthless, unsentimental and destructive in the way it tears down old structures. As with all the outer planets we need to bring awareness to where it is as there can be extreme restlessness and eccentricity, as well as spontaneity, inventiveness, and humanitarian principles.
NEPTUNE (rules: Pisces)
Neptune was discovered in 1846, at a time when there was a resurgence of interest in spirituality and the metaphysical arts. It is like the Holy Grail of any generation, and shows where there is a powerful collective yearning to become one with something far greater than ourselves. In our personal chart this planet signifies where we are the most idealistic and spiritual in our aspirations. Ecstasy, faith and devotion belong to the mystical realm. Ordinary earthbound experience and flesh and blood mortals cannot live up to these things.
Neptune in the chart can indicate where we feel the most confused and disappointed by life, as well as where we have boundless faith and a sense of divinity. There can be a tendency for depression, confusion, addiction and any means of escape from the harsh realities of life.
To avoid feeling victimized around Neptune we need to allow our vulnerability, receptivity and sensitivity to be channeled into mystical, imaginative or creative spheres that encompass something intangible beyond any earthly expectation. Only through surrender to these mysteries can we access the deep well of faith and sense of union that Neptune can ideally tap us into.
PLUTO (rules: Scorpio)
Pluto is the outermost planet to date in our solar system, and it is also the smallest (besides Chiron). It was discovered in 1930, at the same time as the discovery of plutonium, and when depth psychology was coming into collective consciousness and acceptance. Pluto is another name for "Hades the Lord of the Underworld", and represents the power of deepest transformation and the sacrifices necessary for that to happen.
It represents the bottom line in our survival, our deepest fears, our darkest emotions and personal power, or the lack thereof. With Pluto there can be no shying away from the deeper darker aspects of life, such as compulsions and obsessions, control and manipulation, sexuality and taboos and anything else we might prefer to keep hidden or relegated to the shadows.
Collectively and individually, Pluto forces us to face death, physically or metaphorically, to let go of what no longer serves us in order that there can be new life. Pluto is often brutal in its process, and at the same time can bring about the most powerful transformations and the opportunity for complete renewal or rebirth.